IM Doing

ItyBites Challenge $0 to $10,000

Simple and with much less insanity.

Goal Tracking & Goal Achievement from a whole other perspective.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Getting Clear 180 Days - Rah Rah Version

First off, that number sounds like a lot of money doesn't it $10,000? Could just be me though. 180 days to earn $10,000 feels a little outrageous, right? But is it really outrageous?

Let's break it down. Working 8 hours per day earning $8 per hour for 180 days straight before taxes, creates an $11,520 income. So working a little less than half a year, earns a little more than the goal amount.

From that perspective, the goal feels like a little bit of a let down right?

The rest of this post talks about mindset. If you already know exactly what you need to create a foundation of financial support for yourself, then you must be interested in my story or taking a break from taking action. Cool.

The rest of you read on for the Rah Rah Version.

You've heard it said, it's not about the destination, it's about journey. (Shh, don't tell anyone but it's about both.) It's not about earning just above minimum wage working my butt off 7 days a week. Although that's exactly what I'll be doing. The concept and principles go so much deeper than they first appear. Ultimately it goes to a very personal Reason Why.

Money is only the first means of measurement. It's the measurement which tells me I'm doing the right work, the right way for the right people.

Most of what pushed me online, was a desire to own my time. Lately though all those late night, midday, all day infomercials and on the radio are telling us we'll make easy money overnight with very little to no work at all. All we have to do is invest in ourselves by sending a small fee to get the New Improved Product Work Less Earn More. Limited time offer. Don't get left behind. Call right now.

First, this is where I tell you don't do what I did, do what I say. Hmmpf.

I believed it. I mean I didn't believe I wouldn't have to do any work at all ever, I just believed I could do a little work, for a little while and replace my income overnight, almost. Lies, all lies. And I believed them all.

Then I didn't want to admit that I believed lies, so I did my little bit of work, for a little while and started having panic and anxiety attacks because I wasn't getting the promised results and my bank account was shriveling up.

Well, finally, I stand before you today and admit without cringing, I haven't been doing the work. Specifically, I haven't been doing the right work for the right people the right way to get the results I desire.

I realize equal amounts fear and anxiety about putting myself out there, showing up and getting noticed and holding wrong ideas about how and why things work along with the false/ misleading/ misguided information and straight out lies being sold about how internet marketing, owning a home business, working from home or earning money online all work didn't put me here.

I put me here because I didn't believe I needed to DO the work.

Add to the fear and anxiety the thought of doing it wrong (because we have to do everything perfectly the first, fifteenth or fiftieth time), causing more harm than good (this was and is an ethical dilemma) and everyone laughing at me (oy vey), telling me 'I told you so' (for shame) and, whew, no wonder I was paralyzed.

Yet, it's time to move, even though I'm not over all my fear or anxiety. Heck I'm not over most of it.

I still might not reach my goal, but not taking the steps to get there because I think I might miss the target is far worse to me now, than missing the target.

At least by taking action, I can see some sort of results. I refuse to sit around and wonder if, any longer. It's just not worth it.

I thought up the ItyBites to $10,000 Challenge on June 23, 2009. I started doing the work on June 25, 2009. I've signed up for the free training from David Perdew's Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop happening August 14-17, 2009 in Atlanta, GA. I'll be working as an aide at the workshop as well. Hey, I did glean some knowledge about how to use technology sunk in over the last few years.

Access to the NAMS training information is totally free and without obligation. Before you ask, no, I didn't attend the first NAMS workshop, yet what I've heard and experienced so far is already more than helpful when action is added. Frankly I wouldn't be an aide at this one if I hadn't taken action and asked David about being an aide, (but that's a whole other lesson.)

I'm using the information shared in trainings, my intuition, my growing knowledge of marketing and a half-way plan. I call it half-way plan because I know what I want to happen based on the plan and I know nothing ever goes as planned.

Again sign up here and yes, the training is totally free. I'll also be sharing the notes I take and how I'm using them to achieve my results.

Don't be fooled. I'm new to the doing marketing part. I've read about it. I've watched it done. I've talked about it until I'm blue in the face. I've even dreamed, brainstormed, schemed etc.

Still nothing beats action.

There is only one single thing to do to earn money online - Take Action.

This first 180 days, is just the first of many 180 day challenges. Most of them will not be public. All of them will move me closer to my goals. This 180 days is about building momentum, practicing, testing and allowing. There is no real secret, at least I no longer believe there is a real secret, there is only action.

So are you going to join me Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop Pre-Training?

Getting Clear 180 Days - Short Version

First off, that number sounds like a lot of money doesn't it $10,000? Could just be me though. 180 days to earn $10,000 feels a little outrageous, right? But is it really outrageous?

Let's break it down. Working 8 hours per day earning $8 per hour for 180 days straight before taxes, creates an $11,520 income. So working a little less than half a year, earns a little more than the goal amount.

From that perspective, the goal feels like a little bit of a let down right?

Now I'm all about skipping the rah rah but if you need it you'll find it here. Otherwise, short version...

I should have already been making this amount of money. I'm not. I will be. I'm taking part in the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop Pre-Training. It's free and I'm on a strict no frills budget.

Then a contest from Howie Schwartz on IM Remarkable popped up and fit with my half-way plan, so even more momentum. Today is actually Day 7 of the ItyBites to $10,000 Challenge.

I'll outline exactly what I've done for Days 1. I'm a little nuts but I'm not crazy.

That's it. I said it was short.

Watch this space and follow me on Twitter.


"The only reason to eat an elephant is if you're really hungry."

Also On a Journey

Roads Taken

About Me

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"Ambitious goals take time." Naomi Dunford said that, along with a curse word or two.

Do you have an ambitious goal, like creating a sustainable online income from scratch, or turning your local personal service business into a virtual business? Then I'd like to help you break it down into ItyBites starting right where you are, right now.

I along with other outrageously cool and knowledgeable folks, will help you get started.
Hold your hand while you navigate through new technology, around, up and over mental, emotional and physical (fiscal) hurdles.
We know the Heimlich maneuver is only valuable when you're choking and we won't assume anything. We'll ask the simple question, "Can you breath?" Our job is keeping you calm and keeping you breathing.

See we've all found that helping someone else share their thing with the world, helps us too.